Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
On 15 March 2020, the President Cyril Ramaposa declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act No.57 of 2002. In order to minimise the risk and potential spread of the virus it’s crucial that shopping centres implement strict hygiene control.
Centro Property Group is taking all reasonable measures to implement the guidelines provided by the South African Government as well as the World Health Organisation. The wellness and safety of our visitors, tenants and staff members remain our top priority. As a result, we are working closely with our cleaning contractors and have implemented the following additional safety measures across our portfolio:
- The installation of hand sanitising stations at all centre entrances and bathrooms, providing free alcohol-based hand sanitisers,
- The installation of COVID-19 information posters in all bathrooms,
- Increased cleaning of public spaces, with a special focus surface disinfectants,
- Compulsory additional safety measures for all cleaning staff as well as all permanent staff, including surgical masks and gloves, and
- The managers will be doing regular educational talks on the virus.
All of our tenants have been asked to prepare COVID-19 policies for their respective business and send it to their relevant portfolio manager.
Restaurants and bars
On 18 March 2020, the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs published regulations under the Disaster Management Act, restricting certain activities related to bars and restaurants. The regulations prevent the assembly of more than 50 people at a premises where liquor is sold and consumed including:
- Taverns,
- Restaurants and
- Clubs
Furthermore, the regulations stipulate that all premises selling liquor must be closed:
- Between 18:00 and 09:00 the next morning on weekdays and Saturdays, and
- From 13:00 on Sundays and public holidays.
Additional resources
We ask all of our visitors and tenants to take extreme care and follow the recommended safety measurements. For updated news on the spread of the Coronavirus in South Africa, as well as the relevant regulations please follow the links below:
- Regulations Government Gazette 18th March 2020
- Department of Health
- World Health Organisation
- Centre for Disease Control and Prevention